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   Australian Film Festival of India 2020
The Australia Film Festival of India is presented by An Australian Film Initiative- an independent body dedicated to marketing, promoting,and distributing Australian screen culture in emerging and non-traditional markets.

AAFI aims to take Australian cinema to the world and provide a platform for its enormous creative talent pool through a series of annual film festivals. This is an exclusive stage for the Australian Film Industry to engage with and benefit from the rich, vibrant, and exponentially globalizing film and media sectors in burgeoning markets from India to the Middle-East and South America to emerging parts of Europe.

With more than 1000 films per year and ticket sales worth over 3.6 Billion,India is the world’s largest film industry.

Despite cinematic ties that date back to the 1930s, Australia’s engagement with this industry has been sporadic and inconsistent. The lack of a cohesive distribution model for Australian films in India has also resulted in low awareness among Indians regarding Australian cinema and screen culture. Australian and international sales agents eschew India as a potential market. There is little understanding of the potential of a country whose unifying language is English and whose highly consumer oriented and western values focused middle class now numbers more than 350 million.

With previous support from award-winning actor Hugh Jackman, and renowned directors Bill Bennett, Phillip Noyce, and Baz Luhrmann, AFFI is the first and only regular Australian Film Festival promoting the Australian Film Industry in India.

We thank our previous Sponsors, Supporters, and Strategic Partners for the Festival and the publications